5 Crazy SEO Strategy! Clout Web Ventures

You’ve undoubtedly come across the term SEO, or search engine optimization, so many times that you’ve lost track.

Digital marketers and online businesses have been relying on a solid SEO strategy like crazy to attract more organic visitors, rank at the top of search engine result pages (SERPs), and increase revenue.

The question is, how can you construct a successful SEO strategy? How can a novice like you devise a strategy to improve the exposure and searchability of your website? We’ll be there for you every step of the way on your SEO journey, which is fortunate for you.

But, first, let’s define SEO strategy-

SEO strategy
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Simply put, an SEO strategy is the process of developing and implementing a plan to achieve your SEO goals, such as generating traffic or improving search engine results.

You might not be getting the results you desire if you don’t have an SEO strategy in place. If you already have one but it isn’t working, you’ll need to boost your game and implement the tips we’ll provide..

With that in mind, here are some stages to putting together an SEO strategy that will help you succeed:

1- Evaluate your current SEO results

First and foremost, evaluate your SEO approach and its effectiveness.

Examine your keyword rankings, organic visibility, and the distinction between branded and non-branded visitors. That way, putting together a plan to take you to the next level will be much easier.

One of the most popular tools for gathering these insights is the Semrush Organic Research Tool, which allows you to track the performance of your keyword rankings and organic traffic over time. It gives you a clear picture of the visibility, present performance, and changes over time of your site.

Knowing the difference between branded and non-branded traffic on your website can help you uncover opportunities, especially if the bulk of these branded searches are from people who are already familiar with your brand. Meanwhile, increasing non-branded traffic allows you to reach out to new consumers who may not be familiar with your brand.

Taking these measures into account, along with data from Google Analytics, will give you a rough indication of how well your website is performing in terms of SEO. You’ll also be able to pinpoint areas where your future SEO approach should focus.

2- Research and analyze the SEO strategies of your competitors-

You may now conduct an SEO competitor analysis after reviewing your SEO performance.

Analyzing your competitors’ search engine optimization tactics will show you what works and what doesn’t for them. Once you’ve discovered which areas they excel at, you may incorporate their flaws or strengths into your own SEO strategy plan.

Answer the following questions as you examine your competitors:

  • Do they adhere to SEO best practices?
  • What are the common types of searches they conduct? 
  • What search terms or keywords do they rank for?
  • What aspects enhance the usability and content of their website?
  • How do you create your content for intended audience?
  • Is their backlink profile impressive?

To make this happen, a lot of effort required- 

Determine what type of content your website should have by looking at which of their sites receives the most traffic. Check their keyword rankings to discover whether they’re ranking for keywords that you’re not. This allows you to see where you can enhance your keyword ranks. Examine their link profiles to discover more about their backlinks’ sources. Simultaneously, you’ll be able to identify the link gap between their site and your domain, which will aid you in developing your own link-building plan.

3- Determine who your target audience is-

In order to create an SEO strategy, you must first analyze your potential audience. Many businesses are guilty of neglecting this stage, which explains why they aren’t achieving the desired outcomes.

Moreover, a list of client personas is required for a thorough SEO strategy plan.It should be able to comprehend how people search and engage on the internet so you can determine which keywords to use and what content to create.

Answer important questions like these to gain a deeper understanding of your audience:

  • What platforms do people use to look for solutions?
  • What do they hope to get out of a product or service?
  • What are their problems with my industry’s products or services?
  • What are the most common inquiries they have regarding our industry, products, or services?
  • When they need answers, who do they turn to in the industry?

So, where do you look for this information? You can use social media, conduct online surveys, search industry forums, or question your sales or customer service representatives.

Understanding your target audience and what they want makes developing a competitive SEO plan easier. For example, you can create interesting material that will pique their interest, and you’ll learn about keywords and searches that are important to them.

4- Use the Correct Keywords in the Appropriate Places-

Because keywords are central to SEO, they should also be central to everything you do. You must optimize your website for relevant keywords in order for relevant leads to reach you. Use free keyword research tools such as KeywordsFX and Keywords Everywhere to get started.

Prioritize long-tail keywords as much as feasible. These are more specialized keywords with three or more words, as opposed to short-tail keywords. They not only have less competition, but they also give you better access to your target audience because they are more specific.

Once you’ve gathered all of the necessary keywords, incorporate them into your site’s metadata as well as the anchor text of your links. To keep your writing readable, incorporate them naturally. Make sure you aren’t using them excessively.

5- Make On-Page Elements Better-

Google uses on-page elements to determine whether your page is relevant to a user’s search. In other words, they affect the rating of your website.

The following are three of the most important on-page items to optimize:

  • Title Tag

The title tag is the clickable headline that visitors see when searching online. It gives readers a sneak peek into what they might expect on a certain page. Because title tags are used by search engines to establish the relevance of a page, it’s critical to optimize yours in order to reach the correct audience. Also, your title tag should not be longer than 60 characters. Otherwise, the search results will be shut off.

  • Meta Description

Short blurbs called meta descriptions give searchers a sneak peak at your material, present just below the title tag. Meta descriptions, like title tags, assist search engines decide whether a website is relevant to search results.

Your meta description should emphasize the most important parts of your post within the 150-character limit. Another thing to remember is that an engaging meta description has the power to attract your ideal customers and increase your organic search results click-through rate!

  • URL

The URL is crucial to your on-page optimization strategy. The more relevant it appears to search engines, the more you optimize it. While it’s best to keep your URLs brief, you should also make sure that they convey what your page is about to your visitors. Random letters and numbers can be confusing to both people and search engines.

And, in case you’re wondering, the keyword of your page should absolutely be included in your URLs.

Follow these best practices to guarantee that your site provides a seamless experience for everyone:

1- Make your loading time shorter. According to a study, 53% of mobile site visits are abandoned if the page takes more than three seconds to load. Avoid this by optimizing your photos, selecting the appropriate hosting choice, setting compression, and caching your web pages.

2- Pay attention to call-to-actions. A strong CTA (call-to-action) on your website will inspire visitors to perform the steps you want them to take, whether it’s signing up for your newsletter, ordering a product, or downloading free software. Make sure they’re clear, concise, and visible.

3- Make content digestible. When possible, avoid industrial jargon and use plain English. Use headings, bullets, and other formatting strategies to make it easier for readers to browse your text.

4- Enhance the website’s navigation. Limit the amount of menu items to seven, keep sidebars separate, make hypertext clear, and avoid dropdown menus. You should also make sure that your navigation is completely mobile-friendly.

5- Make good color choices. Your website’s lucidity and aesthetic appeal should be in perfect harmony. Apart from sticking to your company’s color scheme, the background and text colors should be in stark contrast.

It Doesn’t Have to Be Difficult to Develop an SEO Strategy!

To summarize, having a great SEO plan will assist you in achieving your digital marketing objectives. You’ll get more visitors, rank higher in search results, raise brand awareness, and see a boost in sales in no time!

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